Senin, 02 Mei 2011


yoo-hoo started with a desire and I feel stupid that time.
yes when I'm still stepping on the age of about thirteen years, I've started to feel and understand what love hahaha #sedikitdewasalahgue.
when I first entered junior high school before, I told our senior class girls make the same love letter that we like. yes i sempet looks confused and I immediately turned 90 degrees so stupid hehe.
understand still unstable, so I immediately make a love letter sent earlier. sempet confused I also want to write that letter for everyone because at that time I have not had a girl and have never once even dating.
I told my older brother for help writing a love it. time love letters arrived the next day I created earlier instead I love the same brother who told the class kemarin.waktu writing love letters love letters I read that seniors actually laughed my sister was puzzled why the class laugh, indeed the letter that I make funny huh?
I finished the letter read to him, I in order move forward.
was the time I was told that senior forward directly to my love congratulatory letter that if I make it the most interesting letters between the letter.

I finally given the gift of red roses at brother's class.
an interesting beginning where I entered junior high school.

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